What if you outgrow your coil wrapper?
With Lamifree, you can upgrade your solution at any time during the contract period, like our customer Wuppermann Group did.
Early in 2023, we installed a PushWrapper at Wuppermann’s production facility in Hungary. It has been running without issue and the automated coil wrapping was a welcome addition. But the PushWrapper was a solution suitable for the production volumes at that time. Since then, volumes have increased and during 2025, Wuppermann expects even larger volumes and has plans to add new products to their manufacturing line.
Today, Wuppermann has a brand-new twin-cell MultiWrapper in their facility. It wraps coils tightly, through the eye for minimal air inclusion and corrosion issues. At Wuppermann, the MultiWrapper is integrated with an automatic crane for loading and unloading of the steel coils into the robot cells.

The plastic wrap in the pictures is a reinforced Lamistretch plastic wrap with a custom logo pattern. Nice, isn’t it?