Lamiflex has been a supplier to Prabhat Global Colour Coated Pvt. Ltd. since 2018 when the first PushWrapper for automated coil wrapping was introduced at Prabhat.
During their recent visit to Prabhat, Mats Järpehag, sales director at the Lamiflex Group and Rakesh Pattanaik, general manager of Lamiflex India, were proud to receive a memento from Prahbat’s managing director Girish Jain: “Recognition of Partnership 2023”.

– This is a testament to the whole Lamiflex team’s dedication to good customer service, attention to detail and ability to provide sustainable and cost-beneficial packaging solutions, says Mats Jarpehag.
Lamiflex is committed to provide creative solutions in packaging, which includes automation in coil wrapping, usage of sustainable products in packing and cost optimization.