Preventing white corrosion in aluminum

What is the best way to protect aluminum coils from white corrosion?

Aluminum coils are often exported long-distance, through multiple climate zones, something that increases the risk of corrosion.

We offer a solution: Lamistretch with VCI + automated coil wrapping.

Stretch-film applied tightly and through the coil eye – using either the MultiWrapper or the PushWrapper – minimizes air inclusion, which in turn minimizes the amount of humidity that can condense and cause staining of the aluminum surface.

VCI is an anti-corrosion additive we can include in any Lamistretch product. VCI molecules prevents the chemical reaction that leads to corrosion and staining. They are released continuously from the plastic, for long-term corrosion protection that lasts for months. There will be no greasy residue and the substance is completely safe for both humans and the environment.

To try Lamistretch with VCI, please reach out to one of our sales representatives!

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