Lamiflex recycling concept

Recycling for both sustainability and better pricing! The Lamiflex recycling concept ensures proper recycling of Lamiflex plastic packaging materials, but it also provides better price stability since less material needs to be sourced externally – to rising prices.

This how it works:

1. The Lamiflex protective packaging materials are applied as usual in your production facility.
2. Once your products have arrived at your end customer and the protective packaging is removed, it is placed in special containers.
3. The discarded packaging material is picked up and brought to a Lamiflex recycling center where it is grinded to a material that is used for production of new Lamiflex products.

Currently we have recycling centers established in Slovakia and in Germany. New recycling centers are established as needed, based on requests by direct customers and end customers in cooperation.

Products covered are coil edge protection products, straight edge protection products and coil body protection products for side, mantle and eye.

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